RHD Fuel
Open the
folder and configure it to your liking.
return {
-- Fuel consumption by vehicle class
class = {
[0] = 20.0, -- Compacts
[1] = 20.0, -- Sedans
[2] = 20.0, -- SUVs
[3] = 20.0, -- Coupes
[4] = 20.0, -- Muscle
[5] = 20.0, -- Sports Classics
[6] = 20.0, -- Sports
[7] = 20.0, -- Super
[8] = 20.0, -- Motorcycles
[9] = 20.0, -- Off-road
[10] = 20.0, -- Industrial
[11] = 20.0, -- Utility
[12] = 20.0, -- Vans
[13] = 0.0, -- Cycles
[14] = 20.0, -- Boats
[15] = 20.0, -- Helicopters
[16] = 20.0, -- Planes
[17] = 20.0, -- Service
[18] = 20.0, -- Emergency
[19] = 20.0, -- Military
[20] = 20.0, -- Commercial
[21] = 0.0, -- Trains (lol)
-- Fuel consumption by vehicle model
custom = {
-- [`elegy`] = 25.0, -- Example: Fuel consumption for Elegy set to 25.0
-- [`t20`] = 30.0, -- Example: Fuel consumption for T20 set to 30.0
-- If you want to make a particular vehicle not consume fuel/battery, such as a bicycle, enter the spawn code in this table.
model = {
-- [`kuruma`] = true, -- Kuruma will not consume fuel
-- [`bicycle`] = true, -- Bicycle will not consume fuel
Explanation for this section:
1. This variable will not work on vehicles that are registered in the `model` table with a value of `true` (meaning they do not consume fuel/battery).
If a vehicle is listed in the `model` table with `true`, it will not be affected by fuel consumption or tank volume settings.
2. Do not set the value of the `global` variable in the `tankVolume` table to be below 1.0, as doing so will cause the script to not work properly.
3. If you want to set a custom fuel tank volume for specific vehicles, you can add them in the `custom` table inside the `tankVolume` table.
This way, specific vehicles will have their own custom fuel tank volume.
tankVolume = {
global = 4.0, -- Default fuel tank volume for all vehicles is 4.0
custom = {
-- [`kuruma`] = 5.0, -- Fuel tank volume for Kuruma set to 5.0
-- [`elegy`] = 6.0, -- Fuel tank volume for Elegy set to 6.0
return {
-- Vehicle models for electric vehicles
-- List of vehicle models that are considered electric vehicles in the system
-- This list includes various electric vehicle models available in the game.
-- These models can be used to apply specific behavior or features related to electric vehicles.
---@see https://rhd.gitbook.io/rhd-s/paid-resources/rhd-fuel/electric-vehicles
vehicleModels = {
"surge", -- Electric vehicle model "Surge"
"iwagen", -- Electric vehicle model "Iwagen"
"voltic", -- Electric vehicle model "Voltic"
"voltic2", -- Electric vehicle model "Voltic 2"
"raiden", -- Electric vehicle model "Raiden"
"cyclone", -- Electric vehicle model "Cyclone"
"tezeract", -- Electric vehicle model "Tezeract"
"neon", -- Electric vehicle model "Neon"
"omnisegt", -- Electric vehicle model "Omnisegt"
"caddy", -- Electric vehicle model "Caddy"
"caddy2", -- Electric vehicle model "Caddy 2"
"caddy3", -- Electric vehicle model "Caddy 3"
"airtug", -- Electric vehicle model "Airtug"
"rcbandito", -- Electric vehicle model "RC Bandito"
"imorgon", -- Electric vehicle model "Imorgon"
"dilettante", -- Electric vehicle model "Dilettante"
"khamelion", -- Electric vehicle model "Khamelion"
-- Electric Vehicle Charging Station Coordinates
-- This section lists the coordinates (in vector4 format) of various electric vehicle charging stations in the game world.
-- These stations are where players can charge their electric vehicles, and the X, Y, Z, W values ββindicate the position and direction of the charging object.
station = {
vec4(53.91, 2785.72, 56.88, 55.00), -- Charging station at location (53.91, 2785.72, 56.88) with heading 55.00
vec4(267.40, 2598.54, 43.81, 285.00), -- Charging station at location (267.40, 2598.54, 43.81) with heading 285.00
vec4(1053.01, 2658.08, 38.55, 180.00), -- Charging station at location (1053.01, 2658.08, 38.55) with heading 180.00
vec4(1205.34, 2653.61, 36.85, 225.00), -- Charging station at location (1205.34, 2653.61, 36.85) with heading 225.00
vec4(2675.96, 3270.41, 54.41, 150.00), -- Charging station at location (2675.96, 3270.41, 54.41) with heading 150.00
vec4(2003.37, 3780.78, 31.18, 120.00), -- Charging station at location (2003.37, 3780.78, 31.18) with heading 120.00
vec4(1695.88, 4925.88, 41.23, 325.00), -- Charging station at location (1695.88, 4925.88, 41.23) with heading 325.00
vec4(1704.83, 6425.96, 31.77, 65.00), -- Charging station at location (1704.83, 6425.96, 31.77) with heading 65.00
vec4(128.15, 6632.35, 30.86, 135.00), -- Charging station at location (128.15, 6632.35, 30.86) with heading 135.00
vec4(-88.27, 6415.91, 30.64, 315.00), -- Charging station at location (-88.27, 6415.91, 30.64) with heading 315.00
vec4(-1430.71, -266.71, 45.27, 40.00), -- Charging station at location (-1430.71, -266.71, 45.27) with heading 40.00
vec4(-2074.65, -323.92, 12.32, 355.00), -- Charging station at location (-2074.65, -323.92, 12.32) with heading 355.00
vec4(-705.29, -917.44, 18.21, 90.00), -- Charging station at location (-705.29, -917.44, 18.21) with heading 90.00
vec4(-531.22, -1219.62, 17.46, 245.00), -- Charging station at location (-531.22, -1219.62, 17.46) with heading 245.00
vec4(-53.0297, -1769.3372, 28.1935, 49.9402), -- Charging station at location (-53.0297, -1769.3372, 28.1935) with heading 49.9402
-- Blip settings for the charging stations
-- This section defines the properties of the blip that will appear on the map for charging stations.
-- The blip is used to show players the locations of the charging stations.
blip = {
color = 3, -- Color of the blip on the map (3 is a light blue color in GTA V)
sprite = 620, -- The sprite ID for the blip (620 corresponds to a charging station in GTA V)
nearest = false, -- Whether to show the blip for the nearest station to the player (false means it will show all stations)
return {
useRope = true,
pumpModel = {
station = {
vector3(49.4187, 2778.793, 58.043),
vector3(263.894, 2606.463, 44.983),
vector3(1039.958, 2671.134, 39.550),
vector3(1207.260, 2660.175, 37.899),
vector3(2539.685, 2594.192, 37.944),
vector3(2679.858, 3263.946, 55.240),
vector3(2005.055, 3773.887, 32.403),
vector3(1687.156, 4929.392, 42.078),
vector3(1701.314, 6416.028, 32.763),
vector3(179.857, 6602.839, 31.868),
vector3(-94.4619, 6419.594, 31.489),
vector3(-2554.996, 2334.40, 33.078),
vector3(-1800.375, 803.661, 138.651),
vector3(-1437.622, -276.747, 46.207),
vector3(-2096.243, -320.286, 13.168),
vector3(-724.619, -935.1631, 19.213),
vector3(-526.019, -1211.003, 18.184),
vector3(-70.2148, -1761.792, 29.534),
vector3(265.648, -1261.309, 29.292),
vector3(819.653, -1028.846, 26.403),
vector3(1208.951, -1402.567,35.224),
vector3(1181.381, -330.847, 69.316),
vector3(620.843, 269.100, 103.089),
vector3(2581.321, 362.039, 108.468),
vector3(176.631, -1562.025, 29.263),
vector3(176.631, -1562.025, 29.263),
vector3(-319.292, -1471.715, 30.549),
vector3(1784.324, 3330.55, 41.253),
blip = {
color = 60,
sprite = 361,
nearest = false
return {
-- Option for the interaction system, can use 'ox_target', 'qb-target', or 'interact'
interact = 'qb-target',
-- Option for the progress bar system, can use 'qb', 'ox', or 'refine'
progressbar = 'qb'
return {
price = {
-- The price for refueling per 1 liter of fuel
refuel = 100,
-- The price for purchasing 1 petrol can (container)
petrolcan = 1000,
-- The price for refilling 1 petrol can (container)
refilPetrolcan = 500,
-- The price for charging, per 1% of battery charge
charger = 100
bridge = {
-- List of fuel systems (bridges) that the server uses for fuel management
-- Fine amount for nozzle violations (or set to false to disable fines)
-- Represents the penalty if something goes wrong with the fuel nozzle
nozzleFine = 1000,
-- Whether the fuel nozzle can explode (set to true to enable explosions or false to disable)
nozzleExplosion = true
Then, start in
like the code below:
ensure ox_lib
ensure es_extended
ensure ox_inventory
ensure interact
ensure rhd_fuel
Last updated